Thursday, December 19, 2019

Alexander IIi Of Macedonia Truly Worthy Of The Title Essay

Was Alexander III of Macedonia really worthy of the title â€Å"†Great† or was he just a megalomaniac conditioned into this belief by his followers? Well, if you consider his military legacy which is almost as large as the swath of territory he conquered spanning from modern day Greece to northern India, or the fact that his over 2,000 year old combat tactics are still being taught at military academies the world over, I don’t believe the word â€Å"great† would be too far from imagination. When Alexander rose to power following the death of his father, Phillip II, his kingdom of Macedonia encompassed all of the land that we know as modern Greece. For Alexander this was not enough. Phillip II is believed to have prophesized s his son’s ambitions with the words, â€Å"My son you must find a kingdom big enough for your ambition. Macedon is too small for you.† after Alexander tamed his wild buck Bucephalas at age 10. Born around July 20th, 356 BC to King Phillip II and one of his favorite wives, Olympias, Alexander was believed to be destined for greatness from the start. Many tall tales about his birth origin circulated throughout and after his life including his personal claim of descent from Achilles and Zeus. After enjoying a leisurely life as the child of a noble family, he began his tutelage under Aristotle at the age of 13. His father, Phillip II was frequently absent from Macedonia on long conquest campaigns that eventually unified most of the Greek cities under his rule. In hisShow MoreRelatedEnvy Of The Gods By John Prevas2404 Words   |  10 PagesEnvy of the Gods Envy of the Gods is a book written by John Prevas about Alexander the Great’s journey after he conquered Persia. The author has a degree in history, psychology, forensics, and political science. He has worked as a professor for the last fifteen years and has written two books, Hannibal Crosses the Alps and Xenophon’s March. Alexander the Great has always been a fascinating topic, but something that had always bothered me is the fact that even though I know his name, I had no ideaRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pagesbusiness enterprises—Management. 2. International business enterprises—Management—Case studies. I. Doh, Jonathan P. II. Hodgetts, Richard M. International management. III. Title. HD62.4.H63 2012 658 .049—dc22 2011002070 Dedicated in Memory of Richard M. Hodgetts A Pioneer in International Management Education iii This page intentionally left blank Preface C hanges in the global business environment continue unabated. The global financial crisis and economic recession

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